You had it all figured out and all lined up: You were set to have the summer of your life, wowing college admissions officers, impressing future employers, and rocking that resume, all while learning and having FUN! But the pandemic has a mind of its own. Gone is the plan of working all hours to change the world at the city non-profit; conducting experiments in the neurosurgery lab; the exotic international service trip; the cool on-campus college classes; the power corporate internship; the rocking performing arts camp; the awesome camp counsellor gig, or sand between your toes lifeguard life. Instead, you’re probably hanging at home, with your new BFF’s, roommates, and co-workers, also known as your parents and siblings!
Can you still do something great, something special, something meaningful, and something important? Absolutely! Now, more than ever, the world needs YOU. Go make lemonade out of lemons and make Summer 2020 count!
The key is to discover what is truly authentic and meaningful to you, take ownership and make it happen. Get an internship that is traditional and corporate, or start a business that is entrepreneurial and creative. Or focus on an interest or talent and use the time to really develop it to your highest level. Connect what you do to your passion and it will help you stand out and demonstrate how you learned, grew, and contributed during the Summer of 2020.
Here are just a few ideas of what you can do now to make your summer count:
Get a Remote Internship
All organizations, from Fortune 100’s to small businesses to non-profits, need help right now. They are eager to be well positioned when things get back “to normal”. They need bright, young people who are ready to work and learn. And now more than at any other time, working “virtually” is just how it’s done. As a student, you are experienced and well equipped to do it. Market leaders like Amazon, Tesla, General Electric, Microsoft, and Baker & McKenzie are literally advertising positions for virtual interns right now.
Be a Virtual Volunteer
There are so many people, communities and organizations that can use your help urgently. Volunteering is a fantastic way for you, as a high school or college student, to explore your interests, make connections, and build your resume. Plus, it is a meaningful way to contribute while learning and gaining valuable experience. You can have tremendous impact from home and from your computer. Today, wonderful organizations like the American Red Cross and Amnesty International are offering virtual opportunities around the world to help those in need. Check out volunteer platforms like
Be Part of the COVID-19 Solution
We are now experiencing an unprecedented and uncertain time in our history but we are not helpless. There are so many incredible people on the front lines from the first responders to the healthcare workers to those delivering our food who are serving us all. Become one of them, support their efforts, and help. Do you know how to make masks for first responders or are you able to deliver food to members of your community? Or are you able to check on your elderly neighbors or reach out to your family members who are on their own? Right now, there is no better way than being a helper to make a meaningful impact.
Take that Class You’ve Never Had Time For
Over the past couple of months, colleges and students have gotten into the swing of online learning. This summer you may have the time to benefit. With expensive on-campus classes and camps being cancelled, many world renowned colleges and universities are offering phenomenal classes with their most celebrated professors on-line, for free or at a very reasonable price. Get a jump on your school work for next year and take that required math class or try something new like The Science of Well-Being at Yale or Python for Everybody at the University of Michigan. Check out on-line learning platforms like
Explore Your Passions, Talents and Creativity
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on all of our plans, routines and norms. But there are some silver linings with the virus that have provided us with some gifts as well. One is the gift of time. Enjoy the possibilities of a lighter schedule and fewer demands. Are you an athlete? Hone your skills so that you are more agile than ever. If you have never been an athlete, now could be the time to get strong and find your power. Are you a writer? Use this summer to write poems, stories, or articles on what means the most to you. Are you an artist or builder or engineer? Your home can be your new “maker space” to think and create. Use this time to do what matters to you without the boundaries of outside routines and restrictions.
Without a doubt, this is a challenging time for all and it is so important to prioritize your physical and mental well-being. As you use this new time to be productive, you can look to many other great thinkers and artists as role models who used social distancing to their advantage: The history books tell us that in 1606, when London theaters had to close because of the pandemic, William Shakespeare polished off King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra while in quarantine. Decades later, in 1665, Isaac Newton, while avoiding the bubonic plague, formulated his Theory of Gravity. Edvard Munch, the painter of The Scream was in quarantine in Norway during 1919 and created his Self-Portrait with the Spanish Flu.
The time is now. Make Summer 2020 one to remember and make it your own!
Contact for help with your college application process, your internship/job search, or planning your amazing summer!